- Turn your data into actionable insights
View aggregated live data reports and management dashboards that present local needs and priorities for public health services.
- Collaborate across agencies
Multi-agency teams can get a holistic view of children’s and young people’s needs that enables coordinated interventions and support.
- Improve outcomes and saves costs
Research shows assessing children at 4 points across their development can save up to £1,000s in costs and improve health outcomes.
- See the value and impact
over 130% increase in completed assessments, leading to increases in child safety. Over 100,000 Alerts addressed earlier and 75% increase in engagement over 3 years.
Health needs assessments for children and young people
A digital health needs assessment for children and young people that identifies potential problems early on, so no child is left behind.
Shift from reactive to proactive interventions
Developed over 24 years by Kath Lancaster and powered by Aire Innovate, The Lancaster Model (TLM) is an evidence-based digital solution designed to shift from reactive to preventive care. It empowers school nursing teams to conduct early health assessments leading to quicker interventions, so every child has the best start in life.
Ready to learn more?

Improved experience, better patient care
Learn more about our features that can support you digital transition and improve your service.
The solution has given children of Derby greater input through their own voice than they had before.

Ready to go digital?