
Easily connect with video consultations

Our safe and secure video consultation tool enables health professionals and patients to connect remotely.

Making life at the front desk calmer

Many medical enquiries like routine check-ups or test result
follow-ups can be resolved without patients needing to travel to face-to-face appointments.

OnAire, our video consultation platform, helps patients get help and support from their healthcare professionals as they would typically expect in person. Often more convenient, it saves patients time and money and reduces the stress of travelling. It also reduces the number of in-person visits, and can lead to fewer patients cancelling or not attending their appointments.

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Improved experience, better patient care

Learn more about our features that can support you digital transition and improve your service.

  • Provide accessible services

    Patients can connect securely with you from the comfort of their homes, reducing the costs and time associated to travel. Video consultations reduce exposing high-risk patients to others and support patients who are immobile or housebound due to medical reasons.

  • Connect with others

    Group calling features enable you to consult with multiple health professionals, chat with individuals and their families or patient groups. Facilitate handover sessions between healthcare staff at the end of a long shift and send and receive messages.

    OnAire - Video consultation with patient. allowing two doctors or family members to join at the same time.
  • Perform visual assessments

    A key advantage of video is the ability to spot non-verbal cues like body language, facial expressions and other undertones. Video consultations ensure communication is more personal and reassuring — helping clinicians perform visual examinations like inhaler technique assessments or screen capturing visual symptoms for their records.

    OnAire Video consultation. Patient chatting with health professional during a virtual assessment.
  • Create a 'digital first' patient experience with AireConsult

    We've combined OnAire with our leading digital forms AireForms platform to improve the patient experience. Freeing up your time to focus on complex care for those who need it.

    Young Woman Doctor Laptop

See OnAire in action

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